First Choice Drug Testing

Your employees are your company’s most valuable asset, and everything else is just stuff. A great physical plant and a great product aren’t worth anything if you don’t have a staff to handle your company’s daily operations. There’s a lot riding on your team, and you owe it to yourself to make sure that you’re always getting the job done and that you’re getting the best out of them. You need to ensure that your employees are not only drug free, but in good physical health. Workplace injuries are very costly, and you can’t take any chances on people who do not meet the physical requirements for the job; plus you need to know if you’re inheriting any former injuries or limitations this could be critical information if a claim arises.

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busted by lint

The collectors at First Choice undergo a lot of training to ensure that the person coming to work for your company is drug-free. Most of this training is passed from collector to collector, and some of it comes from online tutorials. However, all the training in the world cannot prepare you for some of the things we see at First Choice.

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Workplace accidents are always inconvenient and unexpected. They also have a tendency of occurring at unusual times. As an employer, you have an obligation to perform all necessary due diligence to protect your company from exposure to liability in worker’s compensation claims. You have to confirm that your employee’s accident wasn’t caused by them being under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol. The standard protocol is to drug/alcohol test the employee right away.

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The war on drug and alcohol abuse continues to rage on, and in spite of our best efforts to encourage people to use alcohol responsibly, its abuse is rampant. And an increasing amount of people are turning to illegal recreational drugs as a social stimulant, and often a coping mechanism for life’s challenges. Drug and alcohol abuse has long-term health consequences for the abusers, tears families apart, and can often lead to legal problems due to bad decision making while under the influence. As an employer, you have a fiduciary responsibility to your business to keep drugs and alcohol out of the workplace.

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