First Choice Drug Testing

Drug Policy for workplace

Every company has a responsibility to provide a safe working environment for its employees, which means making a big investment in your physical plant, developing safety procedures, and ensuring that they’re consistently followed. It’s also important to be prepared for the worst with workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance provides cash benefits and/or medical care for workers who are injured or become ill as a direct result of their job.

One of the most important parts of the hiring process is a Fitness for Duty Examination. The examination ensures that each new employee is physically capable of performing the job, and it helps you document prior injuries. In the unlikely event of a workplace accident, you and your company won’t be forced to pay a claim for unrelated injuries. First Choice offers fitness for duty examinations by appointment, and the examination takes place in a confidential and professional environment. You’ll need to schedule an exam for each new hire and an additional exam to clear your employee for a return to work after an accident.

How can I maintain a safe working environment?-The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 was created to protect employees from unsafe working conditions and guarantees your employees the right to a safe working environment. Be sure to read the best safety practices for your workplace, institute training procedures and policies, and see to it they’re followed. Safety is everyone’s responsibility, and every team member should “say something if they see something” that can improve safety.

What should I do if there’s a workplace accident?-In the event of an accident that results in an injury, the supervisor or foreman should be notified immediately. Document the date, time, and circumstances, and report the injury immediately. The employee should seek medical attention as needed, and shouldn’t return to duty until he or she is medically cleared with a follow-up fit for duty examination.

What’s not covered?-The fitness for duty examination protects employers from being held liable for prior injuries unrelated to the accident. Workers’ compensation also doesn’t cover intentional injuries, accidents caused because the employee was intoxicated, or emotional injuries that aren’t accompanied by physical trauma.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment for a fit-for-duty exam, contact us online or at 501-661-9992.