There’s nothing like getting a new job, but no one looks forward to taking the drug test. Even though you have nothing to hide, it’s perfectly natural if the thought of wandering into a lab and producing a specimen on demand is a little awkward! But it doesn’t make the test any less inevitable, and it will be over with before you know it! And you’ll be in great hands the moment you walk through the front door at First Choice!
News & Updates
Nearly half of all marriages In the United States end in divorce, and almost 40% of all American births are to unwed mothers. Unfortunately, far too many fathers are out of the picture and are either unwilling or unable to meet their share of the financial obligations. Supporting the children is both parents’ responsibility even after the relationship ends, and establishing paternity is the first step toward holding deadbeat fathers accountable, First Choice proudly offers legally binding paternity testing services in Little Rock, and you never need an appointment!
Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious disease that can be easily spread to members of high-risk populations, but individuals with a latent TB infection (LTBI) don’t always become sick or symptomatic. An annual TB skin test is a standard condition of employment for healthcare professionals, preschool and kindergarten teachers, and prison guards, and regular testing is strongly recommended for individuals traveling overseas or caring for aging or immunocompromised family members in their homes. First Choice is proud to be Arkansas’ most trusted third-party administrator, and you never need an appointment to take a TB skin test!
People who work desk jobs rarely have to worry about workplace accidents, but it’s a constant risk for people who work with their hands. It’s your responsibility as an employer to ensure that your employees are properly trained and provide them with a safe working environment. It’s your employees’ and applicants’ responsibility to be physically capable of completing their duties each time they report to work!