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Why Drug Test Your Employees?

Find out what the Department of Labor says about workplace drug testing.

Best Practices Background Checks

What employers need to know about the proper use of Background Checks.

What employers need to know about Drug & Alcohol Testing

A publication by the US Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary.

What employees need to know about DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing

A publication by the US Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary.

Refusal To Test

What is the Federal (DOT)definition of a “refusal to test” and who decides it’s a refusal?

2018 Opioid DOT Testing

How will it impact employers and employees?

Medical Marijuana in Arkansas and MRO Review

How First Choice will approach MRO review for Medical Marijuana Cardholders.

Dilute Specimen in Layman’s Terms

This page will give you simple information on how dilution happens and what can be done to prevent it.

Legal Court Testing

Many times court orders or legal request are vague at best, we’ve created the Legal Court Testing document to help us better serve you.

What is an Invalid Drug Test?

Read more about invalid drug test results and what you should do if you receive an invalid drug test result.

CBD and Drug Testing

Learn more about CBD as it relates to drug testing. To read what the DOT Office of Drug & Alcohol Compliance Department has to say about CBD click here.

DOT Post Accident Decision Tree

A simple flow chart to know whether or not a DOT Drug Test is required after an accident.

What is a Substituted or Adulterated Specimen?

This document explains adulterated and substituted specimens along with follow-up information for employers.